Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fail Safe Team Proposal

Bogie/Fail Safe Mechanism

The objectives of the bogie/fail safe mechanism are as follows:
  • Bogie must be able to traverse up and down a guideway sloped at ±17° (30% grade) at TBD m/s
  • Bogie cannot fall off the guideway despite failure of switching or main support wheels
  • Bogie must have extra mechanism to help move cabin to prevent blocking the path
  • Allow moving the cabin for fast unload of passengers
It will fulfill the design requirements listed below:
  • Bogie must handle weight of cabin and all passengers inside 
  • Bogie must have multiple fail safe systems, (for wheels, cabin, switching mechanism,etc) 
  • Bogie must have a fail safe system that will prevent cabin from plummeting to the ground. 
  • Bogie must have at least a safety factor of 8 
  • Bogie must be able to still move when the fail safe system is initiated in order to travel to safe location where the bogie can be repaired, aka (Limp Mode). 
  • Bogie must meet city safety regulations
The objectives and design requirements will be proven through the construction of a working model.

Sketches and Drawings


Fail Safe

Safety Wheel.jpg

Fail Safe Team Introduction

For the Spartan Superway, the Fail Safe team will be focusing on creating fail safe mechanisms with the quarter scale model in mind.  The Fail Safe team consists of the following people: Cassie Acosta, Steven Luong, Vicente Viqueria, Aaron Cheng, Christopher McCormick and Uday Ranjeet.

Scope of Work

Currently, the bogie design has been created to traverse a track with no elevation change with no fail safe mechanisms.  The fail safe team will take on the tasks of redesigning the bogie to be able to make these elevation changes as well as create fail safe mechanisms to keep the bogie and cabin safe.


This year, the team's goals to complete by Spring 2016 are as follows:
  • Re-design the bogie to traverse up and down a guideway sloped at ±17° (30% grade) at TBD m/s
  • Design and build a fail safe mechanism by Spring 2016 that prevents the bogie from falling off the tracks.